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Prosperous Fitness........Good fitness equals good health.

Live Better, Longer through Better Nutrition and Exercise


Health and Fitness: the Difference Between Living Better, Longer and Just Living


Health and fitness are the opposite sides of a single coin. They are part and particle of each other. One is the method, the other the result. Quality of life is what we all want. Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness makes us want to live it every day. If you agree with these three premises, keep reading.


You need to be actively reminded that your health and fitness stem from your daily lifestyle. As you should every day brush your teeth, read your newspaper, etc.,  you must also remind yourself that that day you must dedicate a portion of your activities to you own health and fitness. Each meal is an opportunity, as is each other movement and modes of pursuing your daily activities. Just exercise your right to eat and exercise right.


Become Healthier and Fitter Faster
Everyone is interested in becoming healthier and fitter, and in maintaining the health and fitness. However, everyone has limited time to devote to it. The solution is to build health and fitness into your lifestyle. Just make it your habit.

Diet and Exercise are Keys to Healthy Living
You, of course, know all this. At Best Fitness Program our aim is to give you the shortcuts, the little-known tricks and proven methods to help you make your quest for good health a part of your daily lifestyle. That's what "Live Life Prosperously" is all about…helping you live better, longer through a totally fit lifestyle.


Mental Fitness is Essential to Living Better, Longer

Maintaining your mental fitness should be a very important element of your over overall health and fitness program. You should include mental conditioning into your lifestyle. I think of it as being mentally active.


Getting Your Fitness Routine Started

Whatever your age, having a fitness routine is essential to your success in life. If you wish to live better, longer you must get started.


My purpose is to give you the opportunity to develop your own fitness routine by making it easy to get started. That first step is to "Surrender - be willing to change." 


Here are the steps I followed for developing my fitness routine into the habit (which I called habitforce) of fitness  - living better, longer:


  • Take responsibility for your own physical well being. Fitness is more than just another choice. Give it priority value in your life.

  • Realize you have to do something. Premature aging comes to everyone who fails to take action.

  • Accept the fact that quick-fix methods do not work.

  • Take action. Follow a formula. 

  • Provide yourself with continuous re-enforcement.

  • See yourself being there.

  • Relax. Think of it as a sport.

  • Expect a perpetual state of well-being (feeling, acting and being healthy).

  • Be patient. Give the miracle time to happen.


Here is what you should do:

(1) resolve that you will be fit for the rest of your life, and

(2) take an action to seal the commitment.


You first must set the date to get started with your fitness routine. Here is the date:

It is today! Yes, today. And I am going to give you everything you need to build that habit. Just do is two things.


  • To be fit requires a fitness routine of nutrition and exercise. Resolve that starting the next time you eat you are going to start making some better healthy choices.


  • Next, you need to add the right nutrition to your diet, regardless of what supplements you may/may not be taking now.


Best Fitness Program...helping individuals and families live better, and longer!


Yoga and Pilates - best when combined........


At over the age of 40 I came to the realization and acceptance that I needed a lifestyle change if I wanted to improve my health and better manage my weight and stress levels.   I had read about Hot Yoga and Reformer (Pilates) classes years ago and believed it was a form of exercise that I would enjoy and be able to commit to. I have found that Reformer Pilates has quickly increased my core strength, developed flexibility and improved my balance.  The Hot Yoga classes did the same with a detoxification workout session as a bonus. It is a term for describing an evolving process of improving exercises to accommodate the needs of an ever-growing population who are committed to a lifetime of fitness.


I promise you a fitness routine you can follow anywherefor the rest of your life!!!


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