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My Story...continued

Over the course of 20+years, I was under many doctors care (monitored with medications, and constant follow up x-rays and blood test) for thyroid disease, asthma, borderline diabetes, and psorasis. Additionally, it took the doctors 5 years (2000-2005) before they could have diagonized me with valley fever! Although I was treated for all these illnesses, I suffered severe valley fever and asthma attacks for many years. I gained weight and felt worse day by day. I wasn't showing any signs of improvement. I felt like a failure.


I tried all kinds of exercises and weight loss programs from Weight Watchers to working with Personal Trainers. NOT ONE of these programs, including advises from the doctors, addressed the toxicity (inflammation) in my body and the deficiencies in nutrients my body was lacking. All I heard from everyone was that I needed to "exercise to burn fat", "count calories" I consumed, and "count calories" going out through exercise.


So, about 8 years ago, I "took on" this project upon my self to find out the truth and possible alternative approach to healing my body. I spent the last 8+ years reading the BIBLE and doing extensive research by following doctors, researchers, nutritionist, alternative medicine and top health documentary reports. This is when I discovered grueling health documentation on history from the Bible and facts from the top documentaries. I was very convinced that it can and will work for me and for others; I want to share......


Yoga and Pilates - best when combined........


At over the age of 40 I came to the realization and acceptance that I needed a lifestyle change if I wanted to improve my health and better manage my weight and stress levels.   I had read about Hot Yoga and Reformer (Pilates) classes years ago and believed it was a form of exercise that I would enjoy and be able to commit to. I have found that Reformer Pilates has quickly increased my core strength, developed flexibility and improved my balance.  The Hot Yoga classes did the same with a detoxification workout session as a bonus. It is a term for describing an evolving process of improving exercises to accommodate the needs of an ever-growing population who are committed to a lifetime of fitness.


Thus the birth of this website!


How is Eating God's Way different?

God has a plan for you to prosper and live abundantly.


For years churches have taught programs that advocate healthy lifestyles. Most have failed because they emphasize the spiritual aspect of health with little, if any, focus on the physical and emotional aspect. Countless people participate in these programs with hope that if they ‘get it right spiritually’ success will inevitably follow. Although we share the belief that God should be first in the life of every believer, that is only the beginning. If someone is malnourished and tries to rely only on will power they will end up frustrated. The believer is doomed to fail when the mental and physical fight becomes a spiritual breakdown. Without an understanding of how our physical body works this is going to be a never-ending cycle of frustration.

The Bible tells us to “work out our faith.” We do that by understanding what the Word says and how to apply it. Romans 12:2 tells us to "not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is; His good, pleasing and perfect will."


Living, Eating, and Feeling Authentikos (original, genuine, authoritative)


With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what’s wrong with our malnourished bodies, it’s no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. Not only are we harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to treat chronic illnesses as fatal as terminally diagnosed cancer.


We need to rethink the belief systems fed to us by our modern medical and health care establishments that not every problem requires costly, major medical attention and reveal many alternative therapies that can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than conventional medical treatments.




  • Beans - God's perfect plan means that the highest quality foods are also the most affordable. So everyone can enjoy abundant health. Beans (also known as legumes) include lentils, and peas, and many other bean varieties. They are among the most highly nutritious staples of our diet.


      Read Judges 7:13; Ezek 4:9; and Genesis 24:35


  • Fiber - Add fresh beans or lentils to your diet several times a week for optimal health. As with all foods, you should use them fresh. Fresh beans provide more nutrients than canned. Beans are easier to make than most people realize. Next time you are in the store pick up a pack of Pinto Beans and follow the simple cooking steps on the package. One of the highest and least expensive high fiber grains is a wheat berry. Wheat berries can be found in the bulk section of your supermarket. They are easy to prepare and loaded with fiber as well as protein.


  • Fruits and Berries - It's been said before that "fruit is God's candy". Berries are known as good sources of vitamin C and fiber - and diets high in both of these substances have been consistently linked to lower cancer risk. All berries, but particularly strawberries and raspberries, are rich in a substance called ellagic acid, which has shown the ability to prevent cancers of the skin, bladder, lung, esophagus and breast in laboratory studies. Blueberries contain a family of phenolic compounds called anthocyanosides, which seem to be among the most potent antioxidants yet discovered! Both grapes and grape juice are rich sources of resveratrol, a specific type of natural plant chemical that belongs to a much larger group of plant chemicals called polyphenols. The skin of the grape contains the most resveratrol, and red and purple grapes contain significantly more resveratrol than green grapes. Several studies have found polyphenols in general, and resveratrol in particular, to possess potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In laboratory tests, resveratrol was able to slow the growth of cancer cells and inhibit the

    formation of tumors in lymph, liver, stomach and breast cells. Resveratrol has also triggered the death of leukemic and colon cancer tumors. In one series of studies, resveratrol blocked the development of skin, breast and leukemia cancers at all three stages of the disease (initiation, promotion and progression.)


      Read 2 Samuel 16:1-2; Numbers 13:23; Deut 23:24; and Numbers 11:5


  • Seeds and Nuts - Nuts and seeds provide healthy fats that are very important in maintaining healthy heart, brain and blood function. Some of the best choices of nuts and seeds are raw almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds and flax seeds. Keep fresh nuts in your refrigerator and grab a handful when you feel the urge to munch. Be careful not to eat too many since they are high in calories. Nuts and seeds contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that omega-3's provide important health benefits such as protecting against cancer and lowering cholesterol. Roasted nuts have been found to carry carcinogens which could lead to cancer growth, so buy your nuts raw.


     Read Genesis 43:11


  • Herbs, Spices & Honey - Herbs and spices can improve the flavor of even the simplest foods. Get creative and use herbs and spices abundantly. One of the most popular herbs is garlic. Garlic belongs to a family of vegetables called Allium, which also includes onions, scallions, leeks and chives. These vegetables contain many substances now being studied for their anti-cancer effects, including: allicin, allixin, allyl sulfides, quercetin and a large group of organosulfur compounds. Laboratory research has shown that one garlic component, called diallyl disulfide, exerts potent preventive effects against cancers of the skin, colon and lung, and was able to kill leukemia cells in the laboratory. A compound derived from garlic called ajoene has displayed similar activity. Components of garlic have shown the ability to slow or stop the growth of tumors in prostate, bladder, colon and stomach tissue.

    Olives make a great snack and there are so many varieties to try. You may want to add a few to your salad or pasta. Replace your bottled salad dressing with olive oil and vinegar. Add some spices and you have a low cost dressing for your salad.


     Read Exodus 12:8; Numbers 11:5; Job 6:6; Lev 2:13; I Chronicles 12:40; Deut 28:40; Numbers 6:3;

     Ruth 2:14; and Isaiah 7:15


  • Whole Grains - It's important that you limit or eliminate white flour in your diet. White flour, also known as processed or refined flour, has the bran and germ removed, leaving only the starchy endosperm. The process of refining grains was developed to allow storage for long periods. Since refining removes most of the grain's nutrients, bugs and pests would not bother to eat it. Think about it...if bugs won't eat it - why should we?

    The term "whole grain" means that all three parts of the grain kernel (germ, bran and endosperm) are included. Certain types of brown rice are whole grain, white rice is not. Other whole-grain includes wild rice, corn, kasha (roasted buckwheat) and tabouleh (Bulgar wheat.) Whole grains are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and hundreds of phytochemicals. They contain several substances that have each been linked to lower cancer risk, including fiber (both soluble and insoluble), antioxidants, phenols, lignans, phytoestrogens and saponins. When data from 40 recent studies on whole grains and cancer risk were combined and analyzed, the risk for cancer was reduced by 34% on average in people who ate large amounts of whole grains compared to those who ate small amounts.


     Read Ruth 2:14; Deut 32:14; Ezek 4:9; and Genesis 27:28


  • Fats -  "Cut all the fat and burn it as an aroma to the Lord." Exodus 29:25

    It has taken 20 years of fad diets for us to realize that not all fats are bad. In the 80's fat free diets (which meant high carbohydrates) were promoted as the way to get thin. As a result Americans actually got fatter and significantly unhealthier. Then in the 90's high protein (which meant high fat) became the rage. Science is now accepting what God has always recommended in His Word. There are certain types of fat that our bodies need to function properly. We could eliminate most of the need for pharmaceutical drugs used to treat depression, high cholesterol, hormonal imbalances and obesity, with simple changes in our diet. One of the most critical changes is the addition of healthy fats and the elimination of unhealthy fats.


     "For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land... a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, 

      pomegranate, olive oil and honey." Duet 8: 7-8   

      Good fats - Cold water fish, olive oil, avocado, grains, nuts, seeds
      Bad fats - Hydrogenated, trans fats, saturated


As I kept reading the BIBLE and following health documentaries, I kept discovering list upon list of the world's "most powerful super foods that has the highest content of nutrition that our body need".



What's a Superfood?

Superfoods - definition: A food with a high concentration of various nutrients and phytochemical content that delivers exceptional health benefits. The best superfoods are usualy scientifically proven foods (also called functional food) that can be used in a targeted way to support natural healing to specific health problems and to enhance health and well-being.


Mega-8 Superfoods: The "A-Team" For Rebuilding Your New Body

Superfood #1: Chorella- the world's greatest aging health food

Superfood #2: Moringa - the "miracle tree" of cell rejevunation and the enemy of abnormal cell growth

Superfood #3: Maca - the sacred plant more precious than gold

Superfood #4: Spirulina - the most nutrient-dense food on the planet

Superfood #5: Cacao - the #1 longevity food

Superfood #6: Wheatgrass - the absolute best superfood for the rejuvenation of aging cells

Superfood #7: Camu-Camu - the superfruit with 600 times more Vitamin C than oranges

Superfood #8: Acia - the most antioxidant-rich superfood in the world


And now, as I fully understood the body's ability to rebuild itself (often in just a matter of days), imagine if you could

(just like I'm doing)...and all to the amazement of yourself, your friends,  and your family.....if you the 

Heal your diseases
Eliminate aches and pains
Increase your energy
Sleep better and improve your memory and stamina
Age backwards
Eliminate your grey hair
Improve your vision and reduce your wrinkles (a
ll without hairdressers, eye doctors, and plastic surgeons)
Reduce your weight
Improve your muscle tone and skin elasticity (just like you had your very own "fountain of youth")

Did you know that your body builds:
A new brain in 1 year
New blood in 4 months
An entire new skeleton in 3 months
New DNA in 2 months
A new liver in 6 weeks
New skin in 1 month
And new stomach lining in 5 days!

Literally giving you a "second chance at health" every day of your life!


AND there's MORE................................. DISCOVERING ESSENTIAL OILS!!!!


Essential oils are the oldest and some of the most powerful therapeutic agents know to man.

Historically, they span centuries of use in healing, therapy, and religious ritual throughout the ancient world.

Ancient Egyptians were among the first civilizations to recognize the therapeutic qualities of oils.  In the early 1800’s, papyrus, dating back to 1500 B.C., was found listing over 800 herbal prescriptions and remedies that included the use of many oils.  They had studied the chemical properties of essential oils, the development and refinement of the distillation process.  When King Tut's tomb was opened in the 1900s it had many jars with essential oil residue.  This story sometimes gets exaggerated but does confirm these oils have been used for millennia. 


An interesting episode of essential oils was during the great epidemic of the Middle Ages known as the Bubonic Plague (1330 A.D.) that destroyed almost half of Western Europe’s population.  An enterprising band of thieves took advantage of the high mortality rate by robbing the dead without becoming infected by the disease. The thieves were eventually captured in Marseilles, France and put on trial.  The judge offered the thieves leniency if they would reveal how they managed to avoid the ‘Black Death.’ It turned out that the thieves were perfumers and spice traders.  By rubbing themselves with a blend of highly antibacterial aromatics, they had effectively immunized themselves.

Even starting before this period ancient alchemist began to explore the nature of matter.  Some were trying to prove (or disprove) Aristotle’s view that matter was made of Fire, water, earth, and air.  In this process they furthered the techniques of chemical separation through extraction and distillation.  The earliest were the alchemist of Islamic cultures in the East and this knowledge then moved to their counterparts in Europe.  From the distillation of plants first came perfumes then cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It was during this period that the aromatic essences of plants first came to be known as essential oils.  Unfortunately these early researchers, the alchemists, were not always rewarded positively for their contributions.  Hopefully we have learned a lesson and regard modern researchers of essential oils with higher esteem.


The modern beginning of essential oils and aromatherapy began to blossom in the early decades of the twentieth century.  In July of 1910, the lab of French cosmetic chemist, René-Maurice Gattefossé, Ph.D. exploded, setting his hand and arm on Fire.  In a panic, he plunged his arm in what he assumed was water.  However, it actually contained pure Lavender oil. Pleasantly surprised at the analgesic effects and fearing further damage resulting from the accident, he continued with regular application of Lavender oil.  The wound healed with very little scaring.  He then investigated the chemistry of the oil in order to discover what properties had caused this tremendous healing effect. Dr. Gattefossé continued his examinations of the healing compounds of other essential oils. His studies laid the groundwork for the clinical use of essential oils.


Some of the Science of Essential Oils


There are many anecdotal stories of essential oils having very positive results for a variety of wellness situations and health concerns.  Because they have been in use for literally thousands of years, consider their continued use over time as research that is more substantial rather than anecdotal.  That is, time has a way of being a natural filter: good things continue to be used while ineffective things fade into forgetfulness. 

Beyond this, what does modern science have to say?  Now that we have tools to analyze and dissect everything so well, is there research and evidence to suggest why and how effectively essential oils work?  The answer is, Yes, and more evidence is being gathered each day.


In the past 20 years the development and availability of the gas chromatograph and the mass spectrometer has allowed researchers to consistently and accurately confirm the constituents in the oils being tested.  .  Further, these instruments with their precision can identify pollutants or impurities in oils that are grown, processed or even diluted improperly.  This then allows dōTerra Company to apply this sophisticated testing to oils they source and give the highest guarantee of purity, Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oil.

The Synergistic Balance of Essential Oils


Synergy in Blending. Synergy is the interaction of two or more agents or forces that when combined, their total effect is greater than the sum of their individual parts.


  • Applicative Synergy

One of the most common methods of application is massage and Vita Flex or reflexology (foot massage). The benefits of massage in its own right are extraordinary. Massage relieves muscle tension and pain while increasing flexibility and mobility. It helps clear lactic acid and other waste, reducing pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. Massage relieves stress, increases circulation, and is a key to post-surgical rehabilitation. Techniques used in gentle lymphatic massage help to drain lymph nodes that become burdened with toxins.

These types of massage alone have positive benefits, but when done with essential oils, their effects are wonderfully enhanced. When tissue, muscles, and nerves are stimulated simultaneously with the oils, it creates a deeply relaxing and therapeutic experience.


  • Theistic Synergy

In the New Testament, Paul illustrated the dynamic synergism as he "did the planting, Apollos the watering," (but God made things grow) (1 Corinthians 3:6). Does our faith in God help bring about healing? Does our faith in God united with the use of oils have a synergistic effect on our wellness? Some believe that faith combined with essential oils synergistically adds to our healing. There are those that believe plants were placed on earth as our pharmacy, and knowing their divine background increases their faith in the healing effects of essential oils. Often prayer is used as a complementary, supportive measure. For many, the synergizing effects of prayer used simultaneously with other remedies offers some of the most effective healing opportunities.


  • Healthful Synergy

Synergy does not just apply to blending oils. There are other things that when combined with oils make them stronger and more effective. Those who follow a personal program of defensive wellness infrequently experience major diseases before becoming middle-aged. Conversely, consider the overweight man who has a heart attack for the first time at age 50. One of the first things he will do on the road to recovery is change his diet. He will be quite motivated to do this. Shedding those pounds will detoxify him and prepare him to receive further nutrition in a more productive way. The effectiveness of oils is measurably enhanced as the vessel (body) is cleansed. Cleansing the body prepares the way for a greater synergy of wellness and healing. Like a mother entering her child’s dirty room, oils might sometimes find themselves in overwhelming situations. If an oil had a voice, it might be saying, "Wow, where do I start?!" Healthy, detoxified people are much more likely to enjoy and recognize the benefits of oils.


  • Constituent Synergy

Because of the time proven properties of essential oils they are often thought to hold the "key to efficacy" as pharmaceuticals and over the counter medicines are developed. In this process of copying mother nature science searches for the "key constituent" in an essential oil hoping to find the one element that makes it successful. What they may fail to recognize is that many essential oils are effective because they have two or more constituents working together to create a synergy that is far more effective than any one constituent by itself. In fact these key constituents may represent only a small percentage of the oil but may contribute greatly to its properties. The combination of seemingly unimportant elements working together may be what makes this essential oil effective. As we understand this, we begin to understand why it is so important to have an essential oil that has all the correct natural constituents present, with no synthetics or fillers. Just as a correct combination of natural elements can make it powerful, synthetic fillers and missing key or even minor constituents can make the essential oil ineffective or even dangerous.


  • Yin and Yang Synergy

The use of essential oils by some may be regarded as an alternative to modern medicine. However, it is important to still embrace modern, or Western, medicine and the positive qualities it has to offer. Individuals should consider healing solutions from both approaches. Working together with experienced homeopaths and physicians often presents more comprehensive healing solutions. Options should never be ignored when facing decisions of health and wellness. There has historically been a growing chasm of disrespect and distrust between modern medicine and the essential oils industry. Soon the factions from both sides will begin to come together with complementary medical approaches.

Let's do this together and change our lives nutritionally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually today!


Use the "Forum" or "Contact" tab above to learn more about me and or to request additional information. Thank you!

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