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Prosperous Live Well is to Eat Well

"Your Body Tomorrow=What You Put in It Today"


Your body rebuilds itself in less than 365 days.


FACT: Your entire body totally rebuilds itself in less than 2 years, and 98% in less than 365 days!

Every cell in your body eventually dies and is replaced by new cells. Everyday is a new opportunity to build a new body!


STOMACH LINING: The lining in your stomach rebuilds itself in 5 days

SKIN: Your skin rebuilds itself in 30 days

LIVER: Your liver rebuilds itself in 6 weeks

DNA: Your DNA renews itself every 2 months

BONES: Your body builds a whole new skeleton in 3 months

BLOOD: Your blood rebuilds itself in 4 months

BRAIN: Your brain rebuilds itself in 1 year


Only REAL, RAW, and ORGANIC SUPERFOODS could provide the fuel the human body needs to rebuild a healthier version of itself.



Now that you understand the body's ability to rebuild itself (sometimes in just a matter of days),

just imagine..............

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